
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Broadcasting in Full 5G FauciVision
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Our vaccine mandate is in effect, and so is FauciVision! Those lucky enough to still be able to listen will hear us talk about the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 (and Nickelback), the South Carolina family that's having one of the worst years ever, the high school student with a 0.13 GPA, and Cesar Milan covering up for one of his killer dogs. COVID is still in full swing - there's an unvaccinated Rutgers student being kept from online classes, J & J recipients are feeling left out of the booster shot debate, Moderna continues to be awesome, Patton Oswalt canceled show in FL & UT, and PA is cracking down on docs handing out fake exemptions! All this, plus your weekly favorites, Celebrity Obits, and our NFL Locks!

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Goodbye, #HotPodcasterSummer
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Labor Day is here, and so, sadly, is the end of Hot Podcaster Summer. We tell our stories of survival during Hurricane Ida, Gene Simmons & Joe Rogan tested positive, people are still eating horse paste, and Texas and Florida are both horrible places to be if you're trying to avoid COVID. Bishop Sycamore scammed ESPN, we discuss What Are You Watching, and it's the return of our NFL Locks of the Week! Texas enacted a horrible abortion law, the states that ended unemployment benefits early saw a drop in spending, and we discuss the Celebrity Obits of the week.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Ron & Brian: The Real Gold Standard
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sleepy Joe tried to pass off Pfizer as the gold standard, but our loyal listeners know what the best vaccine is! There's way too many COVID stories again, from horse paste, to Delta charging unvaccinated employees more for health care, Eric Clapton has a crappy new anti-vac song, to people dying, to the sh*t show that is Florida. We also have our hot new segment, Dead Anti-Vaxxer of the Week! Ron explains the Spider Man trailer to Brian, we review Celebrity Obits, as well as all of your weekly favorites!

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Dead Anti-Vaxxer of the Week
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
COVID continues to dominate the headlines - Lollapalooza wasn't a super-spreader event but Sturgis looks like it was, the New Orleans Saints want their fans to be vaccinated, the Governor of Washington is mandating all school workers to get the vaccine, an Alabama doctor is refusing the treat the non-vaccinated, and Cardinal Raymond Burke is in the ICU after being skeptical of the disease and the vaccine. Seems like the perfect time to roll out our new segment, Dead Anti-Vaxxer of the Week! Ron preps for his colonoscopy, our vaccine deadline is quickly approaching, and we discuss What Are You Watching? Brian also does a Lightning Round on Afghanistan, Matt Gaetz getting married, and Mike Richards resigning from Jeopardy!

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Ron & Brian Is For The Children
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Won't you think of the children? Many of them are quarantined already, 3 educators have died in Florida, and we're only 1 week into the school year! Those aren't our only COVID stories, as we discuss Moderna continuing to be the gold standard, a German nurse giving fake vaccine shots, a woman died from COVID after giving birth, and AEG & LiveNation are stealing our idea to require vaccinations. Afghanistan has already fallen to the Taliban, Cuomo has finally resigned, Ron Answers the Internet, and Horatio Sanz may be a sexual predator (allegedly)! We also cover a lot of new shows in What Are You Watching?

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
For The Vaccinated Only
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
In order to stem the spread of the Delta variant, we discuss during this episode how our podcast will be for only the vaccinated after Sept. 12th! Get the jab to continue enjoying #HotPodcasterSummer! We toss out some stats about the vaccine, as well as some stories of anti-vaxxers that met their end over the past week thanks to COVID. Ron Answers The Internet, What Are You Watching? covers Woodstock '99 (again), Suicide Squad, and Road Runner, and Andrew Cuomo needs to resign! All this, and we manage to fit in Celebrity Obits as well!

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Penis Snakes!
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
We want to avoid the COVID stories, but the Delta variant keeps pulling us back in! Pastor Greg Locke wants to kill his congregation, a CA restaurant owner only wants unvaccinated customers, David Byrd now wants to fight COVID after it almost killed him, a father of 5 died because he waited to get the vaccine, and Broadway wants all customers and employees to get the shot. New Jersey renamed it's rest stops, Bob Odenkirk had a heart kerfuffle, and Florida now has penis snakes because...well, because it's Florida. We also discuss Celebrity Obits, Simone Biles pulling out of the Olympics, ScarJo suing Disney, as well as What We're Watching!

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
The COVID Olympics
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
The only thing in the news more than COVID this week was the Olympics, as the US got off to a slow start with opening losses by Women's Soccer and Men's Basketball, but no one performed worse than the South Korean broadcasters during the Opening Ceremony! We still can't escape the Coronavirus - the J & J vaccine can't stop the Delta variant, a 5-year-old GA boy died from it, the Governor of Alabama wants you to get vaccinated against it, and Eric Clapton won't play anywhere that requires the vaccine. We discuss What We're Watching, a couple goes to court due to a gender reveal death, and we've also got Celebrity Obits!

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
What the F, Tennessee?
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
It was another week of bad press for the Pfizer and J & J vaccines, further proving that Moderna is the gold standard! LA County is mandated masks indoors again, the Summer Olympics are right around the corner, and Tennessee apparently doesn't care about the well-being of its teenagers. Minimum wage workers can't afford to live in the US, Ron Answers The Internet, and we also answer the burning question - What Are You Watching? All that and a full slate of Celebrity Obituaries! (RIP Biz)

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
The Toughest Man In Podcasting
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Brian fights through the pain of his recent meniscus surgery to bring you yet another week of high-quality entertainment! COVID literally won't go away, as we learn about a women who died from catching two different strains, Pfizer and Fauci argue over booster shots, and we discuss a US swimmer who thinks it's smart to go to Tokyo without being vaccinated. We have an update on Stonks, Ron Answers The Internet, and we tell you What We're Watching! All this, along with the assassination of Haiti's President, a follow-up on the Miami Condo Collapse, and a hotel maid that may have stopped a mass shooting.